Coachella 2016 (Look 4)


So here it is, my fourth and final look from Coachella 2016. This day was spent with one of my closest friends and we decided to celebrate the last day of Coachella dressing in theme like we used to do when we worked together. It was her birthday so she got to pick the theme, which was denim-on-denim.


Festival season is just barely starting so I hope these outfits serve as inspiration for your own festival looks. I want to see what you’re all wearing to your festivals, share your looks with me on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.


Travel Journal: Coachella 2016

More of my Coachella looks and a full recap of every artist I saw and parties I went to on weekends one and two


What I’m wearing: Levi’s denim jacket, Heartbreakers Barbershop t-shirt (turned crop), H&M jeans, Camper x Bernhard Willhelm boots, Ray-Ban sunglasses, Urban Outfitters nose ring
